Society For the second self

support • Serenity • Service

A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

What is Tri•Ess?

Tri-Ess is an educational, social, and support group for heterosexual crossdressers and their partners, spouses, and families.

We are comfortable with our birth gender and feel no desire to change it. But we have a crossgender facet to our personalities that seeks expression. By accepting our crossgendered side and exploring it, we find a broadening of experience that can be enriching, fulfilling, and liberating. We dress in emulation, rather than in mockery, of femininity. The Tri-Ess philosophy can be expressed in the acronym FIBER:

F - Full personality expression in both its masculine and its feminine aspects. We do not wish to destroy our masculinity, but to soften its harsher aspects, and be all we can be.

I - Integration of masculinity and femininity to create a happier whole person.

B - Balance between masculinity and femininity.

E - Education of crossdressers and their families to foster self-acceptance; education of society to promote acceptance of crossdressing people.

R - Relationship-building in the context of crossdressing.


Based on this concept, Tri-Ess engages in the following:

1. Publication of the legacy magazine, The Femme MirrorThe Femme Mirror covers crossdressing from every conceivable angle. Stories of coming out, events in the gender community, articles by wives, "how to" articles, news from our chapters, treatises on cross-gendered law, articles on religion, and scholarly articles about the "why's" of crossdressing - all are published in the Mirror, along with poetry and even cartoons! (Please note: although this publication is no longer being produced, members have complete access to previous issues in the members only area). 

2. Publication of the secure, on-line Membership Directory, with profiles and pictures (optional). Many crossdressers feel alone, and many live far from any chapter. To meet a sister in correspondence can be a very rewarding experience.

3. Publication of brochures and pamphlets on crossdressing.

4. Tri-Ess has several chapters nationwide. Our chapters are social gatherings where members can enjoy programs and the company of others like themselves. Some chapters meet in hotel rooms, others in homes. Some meetings are held at sympathetic businesses or restaurants. The main chapter meetings are crossdressing occasions. Some chapters have an additional meeting where the members enjoy activities "en-homme." These non-crossdressing meetings are an excellent way to bring out timid new members and apprehensive wives. For more information, visit our chapters page.

5. Tri-Ess provides a voice of advocacy for crossdressers and their families. We have had an outreach booth at the National Association of Social Workers convention in Nashville, and a booth at the first International Conference on Gender Research, an event Tri-Ess also co-sponsored. Our leaders have appeared on radio and television, teaching the public about crossdressing. Our chapters participate in outreach by talking before Crisis Hotlines, police departments, and university classes.

6. Tri-Ess is an integral part of the community of transgendered people.

7. We are working with other crossdresser support organizations around the world with the intent of increasing interaction and bonding.

"I hope this gives you a thumbnail sketch of Tri-Ess. I will be most happy to answer any questions you have about our organization. If you wish to provide a mailing address, I'll be most happy to send some brochures your way. I hope to hear from you soon. May you enjoy your web-crawling and stay healthy, happy, and pretty."

Jane Ellen Fairfax
Chair Tri-Ess Board of Directors

Join Us! Halloween 2021 Crossdressers, Wives/Gf's, Singles OK

Look at the Flyer... Go Here

Donation goal

Collected: $230.00
Goal: $10,000.00


Questions? Comments? Want more information?

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We welcome everyone of all ages. This is not an adult site nor do we link to adult sites.
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